Meeting of European Brain and Behaviour Society
2019.03.23 | MITT
The Organizing Committee has the honour to invite you to the 48th Annual General Meeting of European Brain and Behaviour Society (EBBS) which will be held on September 21-24, 2019 in Prague, Czech Republic.
The Meeting expects to attract more than 600 scientists and will constitute a very important international scientific event for European Neuroscience. Researchers will have the unique opportunity to discuss latest research and development issues and experiences on different aspects of Neuroscience. The EBBS Meeting will focus on the relationships between brain and behaviour in health and disease. An exciting program has been prepared featuring the most prominent scientists in the field
Registration and abstract submission for the EBBS 2019 meeting is open!
Registration and abstract submission for the 48th EBBS meeting in Prague, Czech Republic (September 21-24, 2019) has opened on December 10th, 2018.
Visit the website: http://www.ebbs2019.org/
Travel grants for the EBBS 2019 meeting
In order to attend our EBBS biennial meeting which will be held in Prague, Czech Republic, 21-24 September 2019, EBBS offers 12 travel awards: 3 for post-docs and 9 for PhD students.
Award winners will receive a cash award of € 500 (after the end of the meeting via Bank Transfer). In addition, each successful recipient will also receive a special Travel Award certificate.
All applicants must be EBBS members at the time of application and in good standing with their membership fees.
Applications for the Travel Fellowship should include:
A copy of the abstract identical to the one that will be submitted to the meeting. Please note that the applicant must be the first author.
A one-page CV.
Applications should be sent by email to the Secretary General of EBBS (Antonis Stamatakis, astam@nurs.uoa.gr) by March 5, 2019.