2023.03.16 | MITT
FENS has several programmes offering travel grants to researchers to attend international meetings.
Check the current open calls:
● FENS travel grants for the IBRO World Congress
9-13 September 2023, Granada, Spain
Amount: EUR 750
Submission deadline: 28 March 2023
● FENS travel grants for the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society in 2023
1-4 August 2023, Aoba-ku, Japan
Amount: EUR 1400
Submission deadline: 4 April 2023
● FENS travel grants for the Society of Neuroscientists of Africa - SONA
12-14 July 2023, Johannesburg, South Africa
Amount: EUR 1000
Submission deadline: 21 April 2023
Don’t forget to apply to the first FENS – Chen Institute – NeuroLéman Summer School
on “Motor control: from thought to action”. The application deadline has been extended until 24 March 2023.