2020.04.07 | MITT
Dear colleague,
Thank you for registering to attend the FENS Forum 2020. In light of the global health crisis which prevents us from proceeding with a physical Forum in July 2020 in Glasgow, we are excited to announce that the Forum 2020 will take place as a virtual meeting on the same dates: 11-15 July 2020.
The FENS 2020 Virtual Forum will allow you to access and participate in all Forum events, including Plenary and Special Lectures, symposia, poster sessions, exhibition, networking and educational events and much more! All pre-recorded presentations and posters will be available for online viewing and provide interactive options for participants to engage with. A virtual exhibition hall will allow you to visit our vast array of excellent exhibitors and partner organisations while exploring new opportunities for your research.
Your registration will automatically be transferred to the FENS 2020 Virtual Forum, with full access to all programme events during the 11-15 July Forum, including an extended ‘on-demand’ access following the meeting. We will naturally offer refunds to delegates that are no longer available to attend the Forum, for further information, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions page. Full details regarding your registration will be communicated in due course and we kindly ask for your patience while we work through the logistics of this.
We would like to extend our thanks to our wonderful sponsors and partners for their continued support throughout the past months. Further, FENS acknowledges the unwavering support received from the British Neuroscience Association (BNA) and the Host Society and Programme Committees of FENS 2020, who continue to work tirelessly towards the creation of a memorable Forum 2020.
We would like to thank you as a registered delegate for your patience in these last weeks, as we have monitored the COVID-19 pandemic and made decisions about how it might affect the FENS Forum. Although we are disappointed about not being able to host a physical meeting this year, we are enthusiastic about the possibilities offered by a virtual meeting, and to do this together with the BNA. Faced with the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on scientific endeavours, we strongly believe, more than ever, in the continued value of maintaining and expanding scientific exchange and networking.
We look forward to bringing together our community at the FENS 2020 Virtual Forum to share research, to network and discuss the latest findings in neuroscience. We will communicate further about the details of the new format in the near future. In the meantime, we encourage you to have a look at our Frequently Asked Questions page and we remain at your disposal for any questions you may have.
We wish you and your loved ones well and hope you and your colleagues will be joining us as we take the Forum 2020 virtual!
Best wishes,
FENS - the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies