IBRO 2020
2019.09.18 | MITT
Dear Colleagues,
The 2020 IBRO Workshop will be held on 29-30 (Wednesday-Thursday) January, 2020 in Szeged, Hungary.
The conference website ( containing the program and other useful information is already launched. Registration opens on 01/10/2019.
The deadline for early bird registration and abstract submission is 10th December 2019.
The IBRO Workshop 2020 will provide a forum for presenting and discussing new developments in brain research. The meeting is organized by the Department of Physiology, University of Szeged.
Preceding the IBRO Workshop 2020 we will launch a satellite event, the Hungarian Neuroscience Doctoral Conference (HUNDOC). The doctoral conference will allow PhD students and junior post-docs to meet each other while presenting and discussing their results and ongoing research projects. Details of HUNDOC will soon be circulated.
We call upon all interested scientists, especially young colleagues and PhD students, to present their recent scientific findings at the IBRO Workshop 2020 and Doctoral Conference.
We are looking forward to an exciting meeting and your active participation.
Antal Berényi, Magor Lőrincz
Presidents of the Conference
László Acsády
President of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society