
Advanced Neuroscience Training

2019.03.23 | MITT




The CAJAL Advanced Neuroscience Training Programme represents commitment by the five partner institutions FENS, IBRO, the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, University of Bordeaux and the Champalimaud Foundation, which offers state-of-the-art hands-on training courses in neuroscience.



Upcoming CAJAL Courses 



What they say about the CAJAL Programme

"The CAJAL programme is a re-invention of neuroscience training that emphasises practical “hands on” training in very advanced methods". [...]
Adam Kampff, course director - CAJAL Behaviour Neural Systems course 2015. Read more.

"I loved that the course was really hands-on and intense; I feel like I learned a lot. I had a wonderful time meeting the other students and instructors." [...]
Morgane Nouvian, student - CAJAL Behaviour and Neural Systems course 2015. Read more. 


For enquiries, please contact:

Like the Cajal Advanced Neuroscience Training Programme Facebook page to be updated on the programme latest news and applications dates.

